Circular fashion management...
The power of connection. Th...
Market strategies in a hype...
Financial markets and inves...
Excel workbook. Con eserciz...
Understanding Python
Visual merchandising and in...
Handbook of mergers and acq...
Customer loyalty. Theory, m...
The why behind the food buy...
CEO branding in the global ...
Homelessness. Data, prevale...
Financial analysis
Inside Nuvola Lavazza. A hu...
Social impact in your hands...
Poveri e abbandonati. Una n...
Principles of business anal...
Export Manager. A practical...
Il nuovo fuoco. Guerra, pac...
Permacrisi. Un piano per ri...
The great disconnect. Hopes...
The alphabet of sustainabil...
Economia cooperativa. Una s...
Silicon Europe
Financial markets and insti...
Il grande scollamento. Timo...
My vineyards: home to the C...
Insipired by dat. AI's tran...
Standing up for the planet....
Business model and profitab...
Influence, relevance and gr...
Capital markets. Perspettiv...
Fundraising for the arts
Jean Monnet aveva ragione? ...
Donald Trump and the future...
Space economy. The new fron...
L'era della non-pace. Perch...
Amarone and beyond. Masi: 2...
Qatar. The land of sports a...
Donald Trump e il futuro de...
Communication in the new hy...
Comunicazione artificiale. ...
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