The Toyota Way di Liker Jeffrey K. - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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The Toyota Way
Liker Jeffrey K.

The Toyota Way

Editore: McGraw-Hill Education

Reparto: Gestione e servizi ausiliari

ISBN: 9781260468519

Data di pubblicazione: 19/07/2022

Numero pagine: 411

Collana: Scienze



A classic in the world of business management, The Toyota Way has been helping leaders create powerful strategies based on the automaker's legendary management principles and philosophy for nearly two decades. !t played a key role in launching the continuous-improvement movement, driving unprecedented change and innovation in countless public and private organizations across the world. Now, this fully revised edition builds on the originai 14 management principles that have made it so popular and includes new case examples from both manufacturing and service industries. Management guru and continuous-improvement pioneer Jeffrey K. Liker delivers a revised model with scientific thinking at its core. He walks you through the process of how Toyota and other top companies develop scientific thinking in leaders and employees at all levels-and replace theorizing and assuming with deep observation and experimentation. Liker delves below the surface of many lean six-sigma programs, showing how to align operational excellence with your business strategy by developing people who: view challenges as opportunities to energize improvement; lead high-performance teams to achieve seemingly impossible challenges; break down complex challenges into smaller, solvable problems that can be more easily addressed. (continued on back flap)

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