Text within context. A community study di Ferrarotti Franco - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Text within context. A community study
Ferrarotti Franco

Text within context. A community study

Editore: Solfanelli

Reparto: Scienze sociali

ISBN: 9788833052700

Data di pubblicazione: 25/09/2020

Numero pagine: 200

Collana: Athenaeum



This community study aims at rediscovering the individual working-man beyond ideological stereotypes in his or her workplace and on the basis of his or her lived experience. Usually the history of the working class movement has been written from above by intellectuals self-appointed proletarians. Here the workers speak for themselves and the process of industrialization reveals itself as a multi-faceted reality. Far from rationalizing a tradition bound community, it appears at times perverted and subserving a familistic pre-rational orientation.


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