J-Reading. Journal of research and didactics in geography (2021). Vol. 1 di De Vecchis Gino - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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J-Reading. Journal of research and didactics in geography (2021). Vol. 1
De Vecchis Gino

J-Reading. Journal of research and didactics in geography (2021). Vol. 1

Editore: Nuova Cultura

Reparto: Geografia generale. viaggi

ISBN: 9788833653945

Data di pubblicazione: 30/11/1999

Numero pagine: 120



Jan Karkdijk, Joop van der Schee, Wilfried Admiraal Strategies used by small student groups to understand a geographical mystery Giovanni Mauro, Costanza Battaini, Sara Segantin, Matilde Soliani Cultural heritage and storytelling: didactic applications in Trieste with ESRI Story Maps Eleonora Guadagno Sky in the Room: Maps from Quarantine Lisetta Giacomelli, Roberto Scandone Volcanic phenomena between media simplification and the need for a better understanding of human-environment interaction, with particular reference to Italy MAPPING SOCIETIES (Edited by Edoardo Boria and Tania Rossetto) Hakki Ozan Karayigit Maps that map the mind: Abstraction of Geography by IR Discipline GEOGRAPHICAL NOTES AND (PRACTICAL) CONSIDERATIONS Nunziata Messina Traditional and Innovative Tools in Teaching of Geography: A Case Study Silvia Grandi Feedbacks on Beyond Globalization: 10 years of keywords for the Italian Political and Economic Geography TEACHINGS FROM THE PAST (Edited by Dino Gavinelli and Davide Papotti) William Mitchell Ramsay, Alfred Echard Zimmern, Herbert John Fleure and John Linton Myres Geography and the Classics with comments by Davide Papotti Reconsidering the relationship between Geography and the Classics: lessons from a British report from the 1920s.

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