The Nutraceutical Theorem of the Cuomo Method®. From the table of Pythagoras to the applied technology of Stagionello® the inspiration that transforms meat and fish into nutraceutical foods di Cuomo Alessandro - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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The Nutraceutical Theorem of the Cuomo Method®. From the table of Pythagoras to the applied technology of Stagionello® the inspiration that transforms meat and fish into nutraceutical foods
Cuomo Alessandro

The Nutraceutical Theorem of the Cuomo Method®. From the table of Pythagoras to the applied technology of Stagionello® the inspiration that transforms meat and fish into nutraceutical foods

Editore: Rubbettino

Reparto: Tecnologie chimiche e affini

ISBN: 9788849862423

Data di pubblicazione: 04/10/2023

Numero pagine: 96

Collana: Varia

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