Crises (staseis) and changes (metabolai). Athenian democracy in the making di Battistin Sebastiani B. (cur.); Leão D. F. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Crises (staseis) and changes (metabolai). Athenian democracy in the making

Crises (staseis) and changes (metabolai). Athenian democracy in the making

Editore: Firenze University Press

Reparto: Scienza politica

ISBN: 9788855186117

Data di pubblicazione: 28/12/2022

Numero pagine: 134

Collana: Studi e saggi



Crises (Staseis) and Changes (Metabolai). Athenian Democracy in the Making.This book aims to build a solid and proper contribution to the contemporary global debate on the experience of democracy and its possibilities as the most effettive mediator of a series of challenges, a debate that is necessarily rooted in the criticai reassessment of its Greek cultural heritage. The book is articulated around the identification of a concrete problem: the need for studies that critically discuss Athenian democracy, seen as a daily problem and practice, based on its staseis (crises) and metabolai (changes), and whose solutions and strategies may stili contribute to the reflection on the social, intellectual and ethical-political challenges of contemporary democracy.


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