Abebim «Fearless». Who was afraid of the end of the Millennium? New approaches to the interpretation of the traditional date of Zoroaster di Zubani A. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Abebim «Fearless». Who was afraid of the end of the Millennium? New approaches to the interpretation of the traditional date of Zoroaster

Abebim «Fearless». Who was afraid of the end of the Millennium? New approaches to the interpretation of the traditional date of Zoroaster

Editore: Mimesis

Reparto: Altre religioni. religione comparata

ISBN: 9788857593012

Data di pubblicazione: 23/09/2022

Numero pagine: 253

Collana: Indo-iranica et orientalia. Series Lazur



Prefazione di Antonio Panaino.


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