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Micheal E. Smith. Ediz. multilingue

Micheal E. Smith. Ediz. multilingue

Editore: Mousse Magazine & Publishing

Reparto: Disegno, arti decorative e minori

ISBN: 9788867492268

Data di pubblicazione: 06/04/2024

Numero pagine: 208

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Michael E. Smith occasionally creates drawings as organizational notes for his exhibitions: a to-do list may be intertwined with a sketch outlining an idea for a sculpture, and at times, drawings emerge as impromptu phone scribbles. Over the past fifteen years, Michael E. Smith has accumulated a substantial collection of drawings, largely unpublished until now. To complement the exhibition dedicated to the artist, the Kunst Museum Winterthur is releasing an artist book featuring a comprehensive selection of drawings from this period. Afterword by Lynn Kost


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