A temple in the green. What the sacred woods temple is and what it represents. Ediz. multilingue di Silvio Palombo - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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A temple in the green. What the sacred woods temple is and what it represents. Ediz. multilingue
Silvio Palombo

A temple in the green. What the sacred woods temple is and what it represents. Ediz. multilingue

Editore: Damanhur

Reparto: Scienze sociali

ISBN: 9788870122206

Data di pubblicazione: 30/11/1999

Traduttore: Beira Hamamelis



Since time immemorial the woods are the home of life. The Damanhurians have transformed their Woods into a sacred place, a meeting point for the different worlds of existence which hosts meditation paths, altars, pyramids, as well as plants, animals, spirits of nature and human beings.Damanhur, with more than forty years of history and over a thousand members worldwide, is a social and spiritual experience with many stories to tell. "Damanhur Con Te" is a way to collect, share and bring home pieces of the wisdom-or the foolhardiness, depending on how you look at it-that has guided us on this adventure.

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