Discussion about Europe. The democratic deficit, the new power of the European Parliament and the EU Funding Opportunities in education 2014-2020 di De Natale Maria Luisa; Spennati Stefano - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Discussion about Europe. The democratic deficit, the new power of the European Parliament and the EU Funding Opportunities in education 2014-2020
De Natale Maria Luisa , Spennati Stefano

Discussion about Europe. The democratic deficit, the new power of the European Parliament and the EU Funding Opportunities in education 2014-2020

Editore: Ed Insieme

Reparto: Educazione

ISBN: 9788876022142

Data di pubblicazione: 30/05/2014

Numero pagine: 192

Collana: Pedagogia degli adulti



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