The Neu-Med project: Vetricella, an Early Medieval royal property on Tuscany's Mediterranean di Bianchi G. (cur.); Hodges R. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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The Neu-Med project: Vetricella, an Early Medieval royal property on Tuscany's Mediterranean

The Neu-Med project: Vetricella, an Early Medieval royal property on Tuscany's Mediterranean

Editore: All'Insegna del Giglio

Reparto: Storia d'europa

ISBN: 9788878149717

Data di pubblicazione: 15/05/2020

Numero pagine: 208

Collana: Biblioteca di archeologia medievale



The nEUMed project is focussed upon two Tuscan riverine corridors leading from the Gulf of Follonica in the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Colline Metallifere. It aims to document and analyze the form and timeframe of economic growth in this part of the Mediterranean, which took place between the 7th and the 12thc. Central to this is an understanding of the processes of change in human settlements, in the natural and farming landscapes in relation to the exploitation of resources, and in the implementation of differing political strategies. This volume presents the multi-disciplinary research focussed upon the key site of the project, Vetricella, and its territory. Vetricella is thought to be the site of Valli, a royal property in the Tuscan march. It is the only Early Medieval property to be extensively studied in Italy. Located on Italy's Tyrrhenian coast, the archaeology and history of this site provide new insights on estate management, metal production and wider Mediterranean relations in the later first millennium. Apart from reports on the archaeology, the finds from excavations and environmental studies, three essays consider the wider European historical and archaeological context.


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