What comes to mind when you hear mosaic? Conserving mosaics from ancient to modern. Proceedings of the 13th conference of the International Committee for the Conservation on Mosaics (Barcelona 15-20 October 2017) di Nardi R. (cur.); Pugès i Dorca M. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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What comes to mind when you hear mosaic? Conserving mosaics from ancient to modern. Proceedings of the 13th conference of the International Committee for the Conservation on Mosaics (Barcelona 15-20 October 2017)

What comes to mind when you hear mosaic? Conserving mosaics from ancient to modern. Proceedings of the 13th conference of the International Committee for the Conservation on Mosaics (Barcelona 15-20 October 2017)

Editore: EDIFIR

Reparto: Arti plastiche. scultura

ISBN: 9788879709071

Data di pubblicazione: 10/12/2021

Numero pagine: 760

Collana: Esperienza di restauro



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