Ming Qing studies. Martyrdom and Frontier Banishment in the Official and Devotional Narratives of anti-Qing Uprisings. The Case of Jahri Sufi Women in 18-20th Century Gansu. Nuova ediz.. Vol. 2 di Previato Tommaso - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Ming Qing studies. Martyrdom and Frontier Banishment in the Official and Devotional Narratives of anti-Qing Uprisings. The Case of Jahri Sufi Women in 18-20th Century Gansu. Nuova ediz.. Vol. 2
Previato Tommaso

Ming Qing studies. Martyrdom and Frontier Banishment in the Official and Devotional Narratives of anti-Qing Uprisings. The Case of Jahri Sufi Women in 18-20th Century Gansu. Nuova ediz.. Vol. 2

Editore: WriteUp

Reparto: Storia d'asia

ISBN: 9788885629844

Data di pubblicazione: 31/07/2020

Numero pagine: 92


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