Microelectronics. Numerical exercises and solved problems. Con Contenuto digitale per accesso online di Zenari Michele; Zanoni Enrico; Meneghesso Gaudenzio - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Microelectronics. Numerical exercises and solved problems. Con Contenuto digitale per accesso online
Zenari Michele , Zanoni Enrico , Meneghesso Gaudenzio

Microelectronics. Numerical exercises and solved problems. Con Contenuto digitale per accesso online

Editore: Esculapio

Reparto: Ingegneria e attivita affini

ISBN: 9788893854337

Data di pubblicazione: 27/02/2024

Numero pagine: 310

Si fa attendere


The material collected in this book contains a large selection of the exercises proposed during the Microelectronics course of the Master Electronic Engineering degree program at the University of Padua. The topics on which the exercises are based range from the fundamental properties of semiconductors to the physical behavior and electrical models of key devices, that is, pn junctions, Schottky diodes, and, finally, Field-Effect Transistors (FETs). The objective of the text is to guide the student in solving the proposed exercises, encouraging reasoning about the properties of the devices and understanding their operation. In the final part of the exercise book, we propose unsolved exercises from past exams, where only numerical solutions are provided. Additionally, there are quizzes aimed at assessing the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course.


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