Pharmaceutical market access in emerging markets di Koçkaya Güvenç; Wertheimer Albert - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Pharmaceutical market access in emerging markets
Koçkaya Güvenç , Wertheimer Albert

Pharmaceutical market access in emerging markets

Editore: SEEd

Reparto: Scienze mediche. medicina

ISBN: 9788897419631

Data di pubblicazione: 30/11/1999

Numero pagine: 240



Pharmaceutical Market Access could be defined as achieving the optimal price for a product or service and/or the maximum reimbursement for the approved target population with no restrictions on funding for the medical technology. By the way, Market Access is not only the market authorization, but it also includes overlapping activities like pricing, health technology assessment, formulary, and reimbursement. Market Access is one of the most important activities for pharmaceutical companies and emerging countries represent an important opportunity for launching new products. The Market Access processes in the most important emerging countries in the selected regions are defined in this book with the aim to help local experts, local government officers, headquarter managements, and everyone who want to learn more about healthcare system and health policies pathways of Market Access, mapping and structure of decision makers, challenges and catalyzers for Market Access in the emerging countries.


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