Trichoscopy. Illustrated atlas di Piraccini Bianca Maria; Starace Michela - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Trichoscopy. Illustrated atlas
Piraccini Bianca Maria , Starace Michela

Trichoscopy. Illustrated atlas

Editore: Acta Medica Edizioni

Reparto: Scienze mediche. medicina

ISBN: 9788897438885

Data di pubblicazione: 22/02/2024

Numero pagine: 205

Si fa attendere


This book is a guide to the trichoscopic diagnosis of the most frequent hair diseases. Rich in photographs, it allows immediate visualization of the trichoscopic signs, useful for a comparison with the real aspects observed during clinical practice. The pathogenesis of the various signs is indicated so that the reader is able to interpret the symptoms and the extent of the problem in the most appropriate way. Contains indications on the correct magnifications for optimal visualization of the hair, skin and vessels; and the usefulness of dry or interface trichoscopy. It is only with knowledge of the physiology and pathology of hair, and with practical experience, that one learns to diagnose and manage alopecia and trichoscopy helps in all three processes.

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