Elements of radiesthesia. Theory and practice di Zampa Pietro - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Elements of radiesthesia. Theory and practice
Zampa Pietro

Elements of radiesthesia. Theory and practice

Editore: StreetLib

Reparto: Fenomeni e tecniche paranormali

ISBN: 9791220879095

Data di pubblicazione: 28/12/2021



Index Part One What is dowsing Historical notes Applications of dowsing Means and tools How to use the devices Dowsing faculty of individuals Some elementary notions of physical dowsing Fundamental ray solar ray, capital ray Attraction, repulsion, polarity Initiation to dowsing Rotations, oscillations, Witnesses, impregnation and disimpregnation, identity Eye radiation - Orientation without a compass Harmful waves and beneficial waves Radiation at a distance Is there such a thing as brain radiation? About the canvas - dowsing Colors Part Two Dowsing in aid of Public Security Dowsing against the enemies of the nation Part Three Search for minerals, archaeological remains and treasures Part Four Dowsing applied agriculture Part Five The witness bag of Rev. Father Bourdoux and his cares Part Six Radiesthesia and medicine Part Seven Other useful applications of dowsing Conclusion


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