Testbusters Test di Medicina in Inglese IMAT - Essential Theory di - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Testbusters Test di Medicina in Inglese IMAT - Essential Theory

Testbusters Test di Medicina in Inglese IMAT - Essential Theory

Editore: Testbusters

Reparto: Educazione

ISBN: 9791255720652

Data di pubblicazione: 21/08/2024

Numero pagine: 420

Facile da trovare


This manual, written entirely in English, is a comprehensive and essential re- source for preparing for the IMAT admission test to Italian medical schools in En- glish. The theory is reinforced by practical exercises to consolidate the concepts learned. Each topic is supported by solved exercises with fully worked solutions, providing immediate practical feedback to the theoretical preparation. Designed for final review before the test, the manual includes effective memorization tools: diagrams, formulas and focus points based on the experience of those who have already passed the test, helping you memorize concepts easily and effectively. Trust the Testbusters method to help you excel on test day!

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