Phenomenology and mind (2024). Vol. 27: Structural injustice: reflections on social groups, identity and intersectionality di Liveriero F. (cur.); Salvatore I. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Phenomenology and mind (2024). Vol. 27: Structural injustice: reflections on social groups, identity and intersectionality

Phenomenology and mind (2024). Vol. 27: Structural injustice: reflections on social groups, identity and intersectionality

Editore: Rosenberg & Sellier

Reparto: Filosofia occidentale moderna

ISBN: 9791259933379

Data di pubblicazione: 07/03/2025

Numero pagine: 246

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Federica Liveriero, Ingrid Salvatore, Introduction SECTION 1. THE STRUCTURAL DIMENSION OF JUSTICE P.B. Hope, Social Connection and Complexity: On Two Kinds of Social Injustice and Responsibility Eleonora Piromalli, Structural Injustice and Supra-Individual Alienation Elena Libera, The structural dimension of femicide SECTION 2. EPISTEMIC AND LINGUISTIC INJUSTICE Noemi Paciscopi, Epistemic Injustice and Standpoint Theory: A Proposal for Understanding Epistemic Harm Martina Rosola, Which is the fairest of them all? Evaluating gender-fair strategies in Italian Matilde Graziano, Confining words an analysis of misogynistic slurs and their subordinating force Margherita Grassi, Eleonora Volta, Controlling the Narrative: The Epistemology of Himpathy in Sexual Assault Trials SECTION 3. POWER, SOCIAL OPPRESSION AND RECOGNITION Christian Tewes, Reconsidering the Double Empathy Problem Donata Chiricò, Maria Tagarelli De Monte, Hearing perspectives on deafness: a century-long form of power Alex-Flavius Deaconu, Moral Recognizers and Social Injustice: Expanding Axel Honneth's Theory of Recognition Hauke Behrendt, Resolving the Puzzle of Affirmative Action Valeria Fabretti, Exploring Intersectionality in Anti-Discrimination Work. Representations and Practices of Social Workers in Northern Italy FREE CONTRIBUTIONS Artur Kosecki, John Searle's model of social ontology in the context of Roman Ingarden's existential ontology Stefano Pinzan, The Feeling of Respect and Morality for the Finite Rational Being Wouter van Dun, A Phenomenological Contribution to Psychopathological Imagination: An Intolerance of Uncertainty

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