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How to overcome the smoking habit

How to overcome the smoking habit

Editore: StreetLib

Reparto: Scienze mediche. medicina

ISBN: 9791220845342

Data di pubblicazione: 15/09/2021



A vice now so widespread and so deeply rooted in the habits of humanity can only be contained and gradually overcome with a widespread and tenacious work of propaganda, persuasion, health education. This must, in any case, be based on the smoker's desire to be free of his habit. Where the will is weak, we can come to the rescue, as we shall see, with the adoption of individual remedies and measures of various kinds, which are useful in helping people to overcome the vice of smoking or at least to significantly mitigate the damage; but they do not act alone and cannot achieve their goal in the long term if there is no will to stop smoking. And to strengthen the will, it is necessary to instill the persuasion of the danger that smoking represents for the health of mankind. Therefore, before telling you about the remedies that can help you get rid of this vice, we will illustrate the damage that smoking causes on our organism. However, the proposed work will surely have its positive effects, helping you to stop smoking, not to start at all, and to limit the damage for those who have no intention of quitting.

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