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Editore: Aurora Boreale
Reparto: Scienze sociali
ISBN: 9791255047858
Data di pubblicazione: 17/03/2025
Numero pagine: 156
On the night of November 2, 1975, one of the most brutal murders in the history of Italy was committed. Pier Paolo Pasolini, poet, film director, writer, actor and playwright, a controversial intellectual who caused a lot of trouble in the world of politics, was killed. For thirty-five years no one had managed to reopen that cold case. But in 2009, when the criminologist Simona Ruffini, together with the lawyer Stefano Maccioni, filed a request with the Public Prosecutor's Office, everything changed. This book is the only truly unpublished story of the investigation that rewrote one of the darkest pages in criminal history. The author, narrating her investigation to Pasolini in the form of a personal diary, talks about the meetings with the new witnesses, the days spent in the laboratories of the RIS in Rome analyzing the finds, the investigations and the leads followed, the reports read and of the requests filed with the Public Prosecutor's Office, of the hopes and disappointments. This is therefore a true story from the voice of someone who experienced firsthand the reopening of one of the most well-known cold cases in Italy.
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